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Uses and Applications

FlowKlean has many uses within the oil industry. Depending on the application we can supply FlowKlean in drums, totes, oil tanker trucks or rail car loads. 
  • Typically FlowKlean is applied directly on the surface of the built up paraffins, asphaltenes and other hydrocarbons to eliminate the build up.


  • It can also be added into the oil or hydrocarbon blend being transported to eliminate such build up or prevent it in the first place.   The high specific gravity means FlowKlean will layer between the transported oil and the residue build up enhancing and prolonging the effectiveness of FlowKlean


  • Some agitation can be helpful to speed up the process.  This can happen during transport, while with storage a small pump can be used.


  • In applications with direct staff interaction requiring a higher safety level, FlowKlean  with a higher flashpoint can be used.


Consult our representatives for specific volumes and applications.  

Railcar before.png

Example of typical parrifins and asphaltenes buildup inside a rail car. This picture was taken before FlowKlean was applied.

This picture is the result of using FlowKlean to break down the parrifins and asphaltenes to clean out the rail car.

Railcar After.png

Whenever the well is below the desired output, the following procedure can be performed:


  • Pull well down until it is at the perforation or as low as it can pull it down.


  • Pour the specified amount of FlowKlean down the casing.


  • Pump enough oil/water mix down the casing on top of the FlowKlean to force it out into the formation.​


  • Allow the formation and well to soak for a time to be specified based on the well .


  • After soaking, recirculate the well for 24 hours to allow the FlowKlean to clean the tubing, sucker rod and the annulus.


  • Once recirculation time is complete, return to normal operations.


Production yield improvements in wells of 25% to 30% are not uncommon after using FlowKlean.  


To maintain the rate of production the process may be repeated every 2 to 4 months, depending on the well size and type of crude.

Storage Tanks

FlowKlean has been shown to clean storage tanks, even with unmaintained buildup of heavy sludge of over 15 years.  Some agitation helps to speed up the process, as follows:



  • To clean tank bottom pull tank down to 1 or 2 ft of oil.  


  • Apply the specified amount of FlowKlean, depending on the size of the tank and the type of crude normally stored in the tank.


  • Circulate oil or roll the tank with air or dry ice for 2 to 3 hours (depending on the size of the tank) to increase the contact efficiency with the bottom sediment. 


  • Circulation can be done with a simple sparge blowing air into the oil using compressed air.


  • The FlowKlean can be applied without circulation but will likely take a significantly longer period of time to dissolve the buildup.


  • The sludge, mixed with the oil and FlowKlean, can then be drained out of the storage tank.  


If introduced in a refinery or similar setting, the FlowKlean may also be used to clean out flow lines by recirculating it through the flow lines to the tank, or simply in a loop, over a 24 hour period.  


For most transportation applications, Petrozene is introduced directly into the vehicle and breaks down the paraffin and asphaltene build up while the vehicle is in operation.


  • FlowKlean should be added to the vehicle (tanker truck, rail car, barge) at a volume to be specified based on the size of the vehicle.  


  • The FlowKlean can be introduced while the vehicle is empty (other than the sludge buildup) or full. 


  • In the course of the journey to or from the load out point the FlowKlean will dissolve and emulsify the sludge. 


  • When the vehicle is filled with crude, the dissolved/emulsified mixture will be mixed with the crude.  


  • The agitation caused by the vehicle in motion provides for adequate mixing.


  • Upon arrival at the refinery or other load out point, the crude oil can be drained with the sludge and FlowKlean dissolved in.  As hydrocarbon based products, these should not cause problems during the load out


FlowKlean may also be added periodically into vehicles as a preventative to avoid significant build up of sludge over time. 


When crude is delivered to the refinery, it carries with it the paraffins and asphaltenes, which also can be deposited in piping and flowlines over time and create flow restrictions.  It also builds up in the bottom of storage tanks.  All of this requires expensive cleaning, typically resulting in the need for hazardous waste disposal, as well as costly downtime.  However, FlowKlean can save money for the refinery by:


  • Cleaning piping and flowlines quicker through circulation of the FlowKlean, resulting in less downtime


  • Dissolving coker beads from frac trays


  • Preventing buildup of paraffins and asphaltenes in tubing, flowlines, lead lines, treaters, stock tanks, pipelines, pumps & separators in the first place.


  • Dissolving the bottoms in the storage tanks so they can be pumped out, and in most cases sold rather than disposed of as hazardous waste

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